

在我创业生涯的早期,父亲试图让我明白良好会计纪律的重要性。他的建议——“你不能改进你不衡量的东西”——在早年的大部分时间里,相对来说被置若无人。我忙着招揽新生意,忙着让事情运转起来。我认为会计这一功能对银行和税务人员最有用。我自己的盘子里有这么多更重要的任务,我把这归功于肯尼·罗杰(Kenny Roger)的经典歌曲《赌徒》(the Gambler):“当交易完成时,有足够的时间数数。”







我有三个简单的工具规则。首先,他们必须简单。如果它太复杂,只有您的IT人员可以弄清楚,它不是一个很好的生产力测量工具。操作员或定期执行该功能的人员应该理解该工具测量的是什么以及它是如何完成的。We often think that we measure things for management’s sake, but the truth is we should be measuring things for the benefit of the operator, because he or she is the one most directly connected with the work being done, and the one most able to make positive changes to the outcome. Second, it has to be automatic. If it requires manual entries to be made, or adds steps to the process or secondary tasks for the operator, it slows production down and it makes the information less empirical and more subjective. And third, it has to be flexible, adaptable and work well with other readily available tools (such as spreadsheet programs). If the measurement tool is built into the IT system or machine control, then only the supplier of that device or program can make changes to it. The cost of the tool should not be mistaken for the value of the tool. The best tools are often the inexpensive ones, and the least effective tools are sometimes the really expensive ones. Choose your tools wisely — try them out and make sure the people that have to work with them like them, too. The better they like them, the better they’ll use them, the better the result will be.

不可否认,这些对我来说都是很难学习的教训,但幸运的是,他们也是我及时学到的课程。今年1月,我踏上了另一个创业冒险 - 推出了一家专门开发了产品和工具的公司,专门为制造商衡量和提高生产力而推出的公司。然而,这一次,我会从一开始就遵守父亲的建议,因为“你不能改善,你不衡量的东西。”

本专栏最初出现在2013年11月/ 12月期刊上制造自动化。